Tom & Patti Guenther
Welcome You

Big Wave in his Man Cave
Country USA
Festival Operations Manager

Big Wave with The Volunteers of the US Army Field Band

Drummer for the
Friends since 1969

Executive Board
Oshkosh Sawdust Days, Inc
July 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th, 2012

My Grandmother's
Holiday Stollen was featured
in the 2004 December Taste of Home's "Man That Runs the Range"!

Entertainers for: Night Clubs, Weddings, Festivals,
Corporations, Hotel/Resorts, Special Events.
National Acts
Complete event production from the initial planning stage, offer and
contract negotiations, to event management day of show. Big Wave
Productions produces a turn key operation. Big Wave Productions is
the only contact you'll need!
Festival production