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Old Friends Pictures

The Friends at The Second Chance

in Peoria IL

The Friends

The Friends in Rick's back yard

Our Chalet in Minocqua

The Second Chance

The Second Chance in Peoria, IL

Slide Henderson

The Thirsty Whale in Minocqua

Drumming at The Whale

Learning to Sail in Minocqua

Tony V in the Studio

Tony Vallera





That's me! 

It was Really hot in that tent!




Tony, Bobby & Oops "Choo Choo" Jimmy Chase


The Friends' Guitar Army






Choo Choo & Tommy Almond switch into glide!




Tony on guitar, Bobby on bass.


Tony Vallera & Jimmy Chase

Having fun!


Our red hot Keyboard Player




Mark "Keyz" Hatzinger played in The Friends from 1991 to 1994.




Bobby Evans played in The Friends from 1990 to 1994. He currently has his own band,  The Alimony Blues Band.



July 26th at the Acee Deucee Lounge



The Friends Reunion at Waterfest on 

August 22





























Rockin' The Rubicon

A Friends Reunion

October 5th, 2002









The Ranch March 15, 2003


Big Wave rocks the Rubicon


The Friends rockin' the Rubicon!



The Kit


Tony & Bobby

Guess who?

Mrs. Big Wave


Bobby Evans on bass

Bobby Evans






Who's #1




Big Wave, Rock & Roll Alice, Jimmy "Oops" Chase








































































































































































































































Tom Guenther with Bubba!

Tom Guenther with Rick Derringer at Tomahawk Music Fest. Rick's got his dough!

Tom Guenther on stage with Vic Ferrari

at the camp out.

Tom Guenther and Patti Guenther

Tom with Adli in his


                   Tom with Reel Big Fish,

             it was 101 degrees 

   in the shade!







Uncle Dicky, a perennial

bartender at Sawdust Days!

Why is he so happy?

Tom Guenther

playing congas 

with his first band, 

"The Torquays",  

in 1969


The Friends in 1969

Jim, Larry,

Tom, George, Allen & Mark







Scotty Schissell,

a good fisherman and a great friend!

When this picture was taken, 

Scotty was lining up a fishing trip 

on "The Big Pond", lake 




                                       Big Wave with Pugsley the Cat!!                                                                



Tom Guenther on the drums in1965  











                                              Who is this mystery man?

                                              Why is he moving so fast?

                                              Where is he going?



Wisconsin State Senator

Mike Ellis